Malabar Road
Leicester LE1 2EQ  Tel: 0533  21657
Remembering  Rediffusion Leicester By:
Gerald Clode
Cable Story
More Pictures
In the days of VHF Television it was important for the best reception to receive the TV transmissions on a  good aerial which was well clear of any tall buildings to avoid picture ghosting and also well away from any factories which would cause electrical interference to the received signal.
For this purpose, Leicester Rediffusion sited their 90' mast at Western Park, about 4 Miles to the West of the city.
Aerial site after construction.  Mast supports band 1 and band 3 antennas.

Aerial site after construction. Mast supports band 1 and band 3 antennas.

A later view. Mast supports more band 3 antennas and also yagis for FM radio

A later view. Mast supports more band 3 antennas and also yagis for FM radio

Rigging The Yagis

Rigging The Yagis

A beautiful site with open farmland.

A beautiful site with open farmland.

Rigging the aerials on a summers day. Mal Clarke and Roger Hine

Rigging the aerials on a summers day. Mal Clarke and Roger Hine

View from top of the Tower. Bill Jackson looks on.

View from top of the Tower. Bill Jackson looks on.

Early colour picture of the mast ( Pre UHF days )

Early colour picture of the mast ( Pre UHF days )

Aerial view of the site as it is today in use for commercial communications.

Aerial view of the site as it is today in use for commercial communications.

Present day view of the old Rediffusion aerial site

Present day view of the old Rediffusion aerial site

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email: Gerald Clode
Leicester Rediffusion Aerial Site at Western Park
Click on any  Thumbnail below for a full size image