Malabar Road
Gerald Clode
Updated: December 2017
Leicester LE1 2EQ  Tel: 0533  21657
Remembering  Rediffusion Leicester By :
clode.com 2017
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Leicester Rediffusion: People
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Pictures courtesy: Peter Mann
email: Gerald Clode
More Pictures
Some old faded pictures from the 1970s - Thank's to Peter Mann
email: Gerald Clode
Terry Knight, Jack Lilley

Terry Knight, Jack Lilley

John Page, Paolo, Rohit Patel

John Page, Paolo, Rohit Patel

Bill Kelly, Mansuk Patel, Bipin Chaudry, Harry Corrigan, Steve ?,

Bill Kelly, Mansuk Patel, Bipin Chaudry, Harry Corrigan, Steve ?,

Others (Poor Image)

Others (Poor Image)

Adolf  (aka Jack)  Lilley

Adolf (aka Jack) Lilley

Paolo Serafini at MK 1 Colour Test Rig

Paolo Serafini at MK 1 Colour Test Rig

TV Panel Test Rigs

TV Panel Test Rigs

TV Store Room

TV Store Room